Be Pioneering
Together we’re uncovering hope for the future through Science.
Explore our research
Our dedicated team of over 1000 scientists, staff, and students research hundreds of diseases and conditions.
Featured News
Celebrating our 80th Anniversary
In 2025, QIMR Berghofer is celebrating 80 years of pioneering medical research in Queensland.
Research programs
QIMR Berghofer is a world-leading medical research institute, renowned for our efforts in both discovery and real patient outcomes.
Infection and Inflammation
We're tackling globally important diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and parasites, as well as systemic chronic inflammation.
Population Health
Our ultimate goal is preventing ill-health in communities and improving patient care, quality of life, and survival rates, so that all Australians and our regional neighbours have the opportunity to enjoy good health.
Preventing the leading cause of death in Australia.
Brain and Mental Health
Half of all Australians experience mental ill-health at some stage in their lives. Our researchers are developing treatments, finding the causes, and working out how to prevent these conditions.
Participate in a research study
Help our biomedical researchers make the next breakthrough.
Clinical Trials & Research StudiesKeep exploring
People and Careers
Explore the possibilities that await you at QIMR Berghofer. Your journey to making a difference starts here.
Programs for high school students (years 10-12), and the teachers who guide them. Studying at QIMR Berghofer gives university students access to cutting-edge research and gain valuable experience with leaders in their field.
What's On
Stay up to date with everything that's going on at QIMR Berghofer.
Support our research
Since 1945, our brilliant researchers have been dedicated to better understanding tropical diseases, cancers, neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s, and global issues such as malaria and heart disease.